​​​​​​​Jessica Holt Director
The Resting Place by Ashlin Halfnight
World Premiere
Produced by Magic Theatre
October 10 - November 4, 2018
San Francisco, CA
"Sensitively directed by Jessica Holt, the six actors carefully navigate the play’s ups and downs...it’s a brilliant, absorbing, utterly human play that doesn’t skirt the issues. This profound work of art is worth seeing."
"Jessica Holt’s direction is perfectly in tune with each change in the emotional roller coaster ride that is playing on Magic’s three-sided stage."
" A finely nuanced production, in which even the scene changes are touching...poignant and heartbreaking"
"A gripping, heart-pounding, and emotionally arresting world premiere...[it] is live theatre at is most difficult, most impactful, most important best.
" Crisply directed"
To listen to the KPFA review of THE RESTING PLACE, click HERE
For more about this play, check out this wonderful feature on playwright Ashlin Halfnight HERE
Annie | Martha Brigham
Mitch | James Carpenter
Angela | Emilie Talbot
Macy | Emily Radosevich
Liam | Wiley Naman Strasser
Charles | Andrew LeBuhn
​Director | Jessica Holt
Scenic Designer | Edward Morris
Costume Designer | Shelby-Lio Feeney
Lighting Designer | Wen-Ling Liao
Sound Designer | Sara Huddleston
Stage Manager | Liz Matos